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More Food and Another Simple Skirt

 It's another challah baking week.

I got this dough going interspersed with having my morning coffee and eating breakfast.

Here are the challot a few hours later just before I covered them with tea towels and put them in the dining room to rise.

I started my chicken cooking adventure thinking that I would make what I think of as red chicken, that is chicken rubbed with smoked paprika, sweet paprika, sumac and a bit of cayenne. It reminds my husband of the chicken his mother used to buy at the Queens store called Mauzone. The word means food in Hebrew, and the taste of my approximation of their rotisserie chicken always makes my husband feel loved.

 I ended up taking something of a left turn 

and added a bit of turmeric, some Sri Lankan curry and some Bell's Seasoning to the mix.

Sometimes my spice mixtures for chicken remind me of the story of how the lyrics for this song were composed.

Apparently someone bet the Poet Natan Alterman that he couldn't write a poem where no line and any connection to any other line in the poem. The poem is lovely and the song is wonderful. I hope that the chicken works as well.

Some people's hearts get all fluttery when they see clothing by a particular designer.I get excited when I see a pattern draft for a garment that is crazy simple but looks complicated when it is on your body. For the past few years 

images for this skirt and similar ones have shown up in my Pinterest feed.

This summer I had purchased a yard of a border print fabric in a scuba knit.It ended up not being quite what I expected and the print was difficult to figure out how to place on a garment without looking like something was very wrong with the garment.

Yesterday I had a brainstorm and now I am the proud owner of this skirt.

The making of this skirts was awfully easy. I folded the fabric in half from selvedge to selvedge and stitched along the selvedge edge creating a tube.
 a crude sketch of the fabric folded in half

Then I hemmed the tube.

I then measured a smidge more than half of  my waist dimension from the fold and marked it ( I didn't actually mark it I pinched the fabric with my fingers and hoped for the best).

I then stitched a hip curve from the "marked" waist point down several inches.

The blue dots represent stitches.

I added elastic to the inside of the waistband. I guess it is possible to add either a hook and eye or a button to secure the waistband.

That's it.

That's the back view.

The fabric that had seemed like a waste of three bucks is now a useable garment and all that was difficult and weird about the fabric,  like the placement of the oversized print, is now a plus.

The challot are baked. 

As my friend Cindy's Bubbie used to say, "C'mon Y'all! It is time to bench licht!"

Shabbat Shalom!


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