Some of my lovely readers have been asking me how the kiddush went on Shabbat. The little lunch for 150 or so that my friend Sara and I cooked was lovely. Several people commented on our excellent choice of caterer only to find out that we had made all of it (with the exception of the challah rolls).
I also want to shout out to the excellent maintenance staff of our synagogue. They are a crew of burly macho men who can set out a platter of food for a crowd in a truly elegant way. The sides of salmon were placed diagonally on square white platters and were lovingly decorated with slices of cucumber, lemon wedges and sprigs of dill. Each dish was thoughtfully presented. Even my exacting mother would have been impressed. My mother taught me that even unappetizing food is improved if presented nicely but delicious food is raised to even better heights with nice presentation. The men outdid themselves.
Right after Shabbat ended I began cleaning my kitchen. Sunday my daughter joined me to help me do the big Passover switch-eroo. It was just the two of us working away and we got the job done in something like three hours.
Yes, you are noticing a bit of crazing in the center of our big roast platter but given that these dishes were made in the 1920s, that is to be expected.
My first task after switching over the house was to start the soup. I went to buy root vegetables in the local market.
cut and well washed before being added to my soup. In addition to the onions, carrots, celery root turnip and parsnips there are just over 18 lbs. of chicken bones in my pot.
I didn't take photos of the matza covers available for sale or the plastic wine cups made to look like
silver ones.
The prices are so good that locals who are not necessarily Jewish shop there as well.
I couldn't find EVERYTHING I needed for the holiday, but I did get most of what I needed and I wasn't horrified by the total of my bill.
Love hearing these stories. I’m not Jewish but have attended many Seders over the years and have really enjoyed them. I also made a pot of leek and potato (with some parsnips for some sweetness) a little while ago. Leeks were plentiful and fresh at our farmers market over the weekend so I took advantage of that. Nothing like a pot of warm soup on a chilly day!