When I finished typing this post I realized that it actually has a theme---stuff that looks like a disaster while in process and then looks good when completed.
Many of the projects I work on spend much of their time under my hands looking like kind of a mess. There is a large number of small tasks that need to get completed each in the proper order ( or at least what feels like the proper order to me). While that process of many small tasks is going on things can look like they may not have a good end.
Then, there is a moment when the project goes from looking like DIY gone bad to something quite terrific. This week two pieces made that transformation within hours of one another.
Arianna's tallit --now looks like a tallit.
From a distance this tallit may look like a regular Judaica store tallit. It gets more interesting the closer you get to it.
I wasn't sure if I would be able to include the original knotted fringe.
As I have worked on this piece I keep being reminded about the deep love that this family has for Grandpa Isiah who is no longer living. Each bit of his tallit is being reused by members of his family.
One trend in the world of fashion is Zero Waste. There are dresses and coats that are cut so every inch of fabric is used and not a bit goes to waste. I turned the stripes of Grandpa Isiah's tallit into kippot several years ago. Each member of the family got one of those kippot. Isiah's son and his boys each got a strand of his tzitzit ( which I dyed blue) tied into one corner of their tallitot. There is one strand left for Arianna.
Grandpa's tallit has been transformed because of the love that his family had for him. My sewing buddies sometimes joke about inch-age as opposed to yardage of fabric. I have a tiny bit of inch-age of Grandpa's tallit left. This is an almost Zero waste tallit.
Terry's tallit too now looks like an actual tallit.
Each of the four corners are neatly Miterd---on both sides.
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