Sometimes I don't even quite realize what a project is REALLY about until I am in the tick of working on it. Take, for example, Arianna's tallit.
Arianna was entirely clear about which ribbons from my stash I should use as the stripes on her tallit. As I began to work I thought that this was the major focus of the tallit. But as I worked I kept looking that the remnants of her grandfather's tallit.
Arianna was 100% clear that I should use her grandfather's atara and his pinot on her tallit. There is also one strand of tzitzit that I had dyed blue ---each of her brothers had her father each have one of those strands incorporated into their tzitzit.
This tallit is all about Arianna being part of her family. I needed to make the atara integrate completely with Arianna's ribbon choices.
This is starting to shape up into a tallit that I think will make Arianna happy.
And now some messages from the department of random stuff in my brain.
I found this eggplant in the supermarket last week. If I had some spare buttons in my pocketbooks I would have added them to the eggplant as eyes. Alas, you will just have to imagine them.
My childhood friend Sandy sent me some photos from our yearbook.
My husband thought that I looked about seven years old here but I think I was fifteen, doing my homework at my desk. I am wearing jeans so this was probably taken on a Sunday.
love reading and viewing your blog... shabbat shalom with much love and hugs!
Sending lots of love back to the two of you.