A tiny bit of cooking and a walk in the park.

 Tonight, Shabbat dinner is mostly plucked from the freezer.  I had made far too much chicken last week. Since you asked my take on the idea of Chicken Mole was quite delicious even though it probably has little resemblance to actual Chicken Mole. The challah has been frozen since I had baked it a couple of weeks ago,

The fruit and vegetable pushcart had beautiful leeks and cabbage so I made 

braised leeks, cabbage, and mushrooms flavored with herbes de Provence and red wine. 

They smelled amazing while being cooked and now look like this.

Not having to cook quite so much meant that we were able to go for a chilly walk in the park. Despite it being really cold there were lots of robins in the park.

The sky looked like it was out of a tourist postcard.

It feels so luxurious to have a bit of a play day on a Friday.

Shabbat Shalom!
