זה וזה

 When I was growing up often Saturday night or Sunday night supper would be declared as being זה וזה, this and that by my mother. Unlike our usual meals, where we all sat together at ate the same meal cooked by my parents, you just poked around in the fridge and assembled a meal for yourself out of whatever appealed to you.

This post is the blog equivalent of זה וזה.

Yesterday early in the morning I picked up my husband from his cataract surgery downtown. ( Yes, it all went really well.) A few hours later I went for my own annual physical on the Upper East Side. While I waited for the bus on West 86th Street I admired some excellent shadows.

Walking to my doctor's office I passed this pretty little house.

There are several wooden houses tucked in among the apartment buildings and brownstones of the East 80s and 90s. I am never not delighted when I come across one.

This morning
the hallway by our bedrooms looked like this. A lovely start to my day.

I had cooked so much food for Sukkot that all I had to cook for tonight was a pan of vegetables.

Not having to do a big cook feels absolutely luxurious.

Shabbat Shalom!
