Food Friday in turbulent times

 In turbulent times like ours, keeping my life to familiar rhythms is a comfort. It's Friday.

I made challah.

As I type this the challah is baking.

I made chicken.

I used the garam masala my older son gave me as a gift a couple of years ago. The oranges I bought early in the week are sadly, tasteless. I cut up two of them and tucked them under the chicken. perhaps baking will help the sad oranges yield up a bit more flavor. I don't know if they did but the chicken smelled incredible while cooking. I will carve the chicken at the table.

I made our vegetables with kookoo szabo, the Iranian herb mix, and powdered sour grape, also an Iranian flavoring. I have no idea if the two Iranian flavors will play well together. The proff will be in the tasting

Our challot are baked and look good despite being baked at too high a temperature.

I am looking forward to less turbulent times.

In a couple of minutes, I will light candles.

Shabbat Shalom!
