Food Friday- typing quickly edition

 Shabbat starts in a few minutes. 

It was a challah baking week.

But given that there are only two of us consuming the challot I cut my usual recipe in half. It's cold in the apartment so the challot didn't rise a whole lot.

Earlier in the week, I ran into a dear friend who has begun baking challah during the pandemic. She had some questions about some of the first stages of challah baking. I send her photos as I worked on what a bloom of yeast looks like and at what point to let your dough rest before adding more flour.

Our butcher had a special on spatchcocked chickens. So, I
bought a few. This is the before shot.

Our chicken isn't the last survivor of a terrible chicken massacre but is covered in

gochujang, molasses, and a bit of ginger juice.

Here it is cooked.

Spatchcocking does make the chicken cook more quickly.

Our meal is starting with a chicken soup that I started last night after dinner. and for vegetable matter we will be having blanched broccoli because there is nothing quicker and easier to make --and i hate over cooked broccoli.

Shabbat Shalom!
