I recently signed up for 23 and Me. This week a new to me cousin was in touch and I shared photos. Both the conversation with my cousin and the process of sorting through old photos got me sentimental so a visit to the summer time Way-Back machine is in order.
These are the oldest photos I have from my family. This is my great Grandfather Zalman Paysach. We aren't sure of his last name but we do sing some of his niggunim..
A few summers later, here are my sisters in Rockport. I was there that day, just not in that photo.
My kids know how to accessorize.
These are the oldest photos I have from my family. This is my great Grandfather Zalman Paysach. We aren't sure of his last name but we do sing some of his niggunim..
Below are my grandmother's parents, Brana and Chaim. They both came from fancy families. you can see it in their regal bearing.
My oldest sister wearing pants with a belt and pockets. She looks like she is playing Katherine Hepburn as a child.
This photo was taken on Passover of 1960. My sisters are wearing winter jackets and wool hats. It must have been warm because they are wearing capris and no gloves. My hardy cousins are not wearing coats. Every one in this photo is now a grandparent.
The two following photos were developed in may of 1961. My sisters look chic in their blue coats with red braid trim.
These fabulous coats also came with matching navy hats. How could one not be delighted while dressed in such elegant ensembles.
This is from the summer before I was born. Perhaps one of my sisters can identify the beach.( My sister informed me that this is Weirs beach. My husband and I took our kids here often.)
A few summers later, here are my sisters in Rockport. I was there that day, just not in that photo.
It's the summer of 1968. In other places there is rioting in the streets. My sister is wearing her Eugene
Mc Carthy pin. We visit the Old Ironsides.
Another summer, another beach. I have no idea which beach. ( My sister informed me that we were on Martha's Vineyard- The bit of luggage being carried by my sister in the awning striped shirt is a complete mystery to us.)
Fast forward some thirty years...
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