We changed the clocks so Shabbat once again starts early. Everything needs to get done 20 minutes before sunset. So before my morning workout, I got the meat portion of tonight's dinner going. The roast that looked big raw looks like enough for three or four dainty eaters.
The seats at our table will be filled with one dainty eater and the rest really love meat and eat like they have been doing hard physical labor all day.
I have roasted mushrooms, tomatoes and slices of red pepper to add to our salad. My son made the challah last week.
I had to pick up a few things. I couldn't resist take a few more pictures of the trees on the block.
The ginko is starting to turn yellow. I loved the way the light hits the leaves.
I know one usually doesn't think of nature on the streets of Manhattan, and I know I keep taking photos of the trees on my block but they have this brief moment of glory, so I might as well record that moment and share it.
I love the reflection in the window of a parked car.
But work-work had to get done as well.
I am making progress on the Torah mantle.
Unfortunately cuticle scissors are not constructed for extended usage. I stop trimming letters when my thumb threatens to get blistered.
I also took time to mend my husband's jeans.
and to make dessert.
Tonight we will end out meal with an chocolate, apricot cranberry tart. The crust is an oatmeal and walnut crust.The chocolate is Israeli chocolate spread. The apricot was canned cake filling that was jazzed up with the juice of two lines and a swig of rose-water. The mix was bland and had none of the zip I expect from apricots. The additions helped a whole lot. I can't resist cranberries during this season.
This tart will get cut up into small squares for serving.
I have just a few minutes until candle-lighting, all in all it's been a productive day.
Shabbat Shalom!
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