A while back I was full of my cleverness in repairing my bathrobe. I thought that by reinforcing the worn out edges of the robe I would get a few more years of wear from a beloved garment.
I realized that I had mad the same error that many of my clients do. they bring me a beloved textile and assume that with just a bit of a nip and a tuck it will be as good as new.
Often though, I have to be the bearer of bad news and inform my client that their beloved item is too far gone. That when I looked carefully I can see that the textile is on it’s last legs and it really isn’t worth putting in the time and effort into repairing it.
I bought the red and white striped seersucker to repair my robe, gave it a new nifty trim…but that robe began to disintegrate within a few weeks of my completing the work on it. It was time for a new robe.
I did look around for some nice white waffle woven cottons… But given that I have a closet overflowing with fabrics I decided to shop my stash. This striped cotton was purchased as a possible backing for a quilt, but was a bad fit for the quilt. I wad serged the raw edges together and prewashed the length of fabric.
I used this child’s robe as my inspiration.
It comes from the excellent Smart Sewing magazine put out by Universal Publishing in 1948. The wonderful clothing drafts are designed by the brilliant Frances Blondin. Looking at the diagram today, I realize that the Blondin draft was my starting point. I cut the sleeves in one with the body of the robe . It takes up more fabric but it’s quick and easy.
This is what I ended up with.
There is a set of internal ties, as well as these external ties. the robe is easy to put on and easy to wear. My husband told me that I look like king Achashveirosh in the robe.
He’s right. It does look like the sort of robe that a parent would have lent to their child when participating in a Purim Hebrew school performance. Well, this is my new robe until it wears out or I figure out something better.
I don’t take pictures on Shabbat or Jewish Holidays, so while I often share preparations for Shabbat and the holidays, I don’t show you what we actually do on Shabbat. While we take doing Jewish stuff seriously, it does not mean that we don’t have fun with it.
For reason’s I no longer remember, we often wear silly hats during Shabbat dinner. My boys will often wear silly hats for candle lighting. I took this photo just before I lit candles this past Friday.
And one more thing. I’m not sure how often I will be able to post this week. I leave for Boston in a little bit to help take care of my mother.
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