One of the fun benefits of having a blog is keeping track of the stats. No, I’m not the NSA, but I’m able to see what countries my readers are from. Usually most of my readers are from the US and Canada. Because I have sewing buddies that I know through some internet sewing discussion groups who live all over the world, when I see that I have a reader from New Zealand or from England I can guess who it is ( Hi Anne! Hi Sandy!) Sometimes though, a post takes on a life of it’s own. This post seems to have struck a nerve in the sewing world and it has been reposted in a variety of places including on a Swedish sewing board. That post seems to have created interest in both Romania and the Ukraine. I now have a steady stream of readers who come from the land of my ancestors. My mother’s family comes from either side of the border, my grandfather’s family from what is now Kosogorka, but was known in those days as Frampol, in the Podolia province of the Ukraine, just outside of ...