Earlier this week, Alonzo had asked if his brother, Dave, could join my class. Dave is a 45 year old mute retarded man. I agreed to have Dave in the class. I brought along extra velvet so participants could practice before they began to stencil on the actual piece.
I was a little worried about having Dave in the class, but I figured that I could figure out something for him to do in case the task at hand was beyond his skills. Most of the other class members were away, having begun their Thanksgiving early.
I got Dave stenciling on the scrap velvet. He had no trouble at all. So when Ruth came in I asked Dave it it was difficult use the stencil, he grunted an enthusiastic “ No!”. So, Ruth who is usually timid, got into working fear- free.
The three of us had a blast working together. Next week we add the lettering.
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