I will usually make challa covers in small batches. While they are made at the same time, none are identical. These challa covers all use the same text, from the Lecha Dodi, the poem that is sung Friday evenings at synagogue to welcome the Sabbath. The basic design of a center piece of text on silk bordered with bands of fabric. the end results though are very different.
Usually, because these pieces are done while I am working on commissioned pieces, excess fabric from other work is incorporated. Sometimes, techniques from other pieces make their way into the challa covers. Other times, color combinations from museum exhibits make their way into the work.
Most of my work is developed with a client. The needs of my shape my work very strongly. The challa covers are a bit more personal in a way. In, them I am playing with ideas that are rolling around in my head.
you can see more of them at www.kodakgallery.com/sarahjacobs. When they ask for the prompt, it is sarahspics.
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