Creating light

 Yesterday's stenciled strips of raw silk now look like this...

These stripes are now complete with lettering and have a nice ribbon edging.

The metallic ribbon is vintage and is probably older than I am---and I remember the Nixon administration well.

Below is the work that I completed today.

The darker bronze colored metallic braid is also vintage although I can't precisely date it. 

Thank you for indulging me and looking at all of these photos.

I am feeling quite pleased with myself.

I have also begun embellishing the atara.

The atara is made out of linen woven with Lurex . I hand embroidered the letters. They may need a dark outline to stand out a bit better against the gold.

Sarah had asked for a bit of beading on the atara. There will be more.

Today's visit to Whole Foods included this surprise. When my parents' friends would visit Florida they would often give us a box of coconut  patties.

We loved eating them even though they weren't exactly good. They were dry and far too sweet, sort of like eating chocolate covered pencil shavings. We all looked forward to eating them whenever they showed up at our house.The patties were a symbol of a glamorous life enjoying warm weather during the coldest days of winter. 


  1. You should feel pleased. The tallit is very beautiful.

  2. Every time, every time I make a tallit mI reach a point when I think that this is just going to end in disaster...something ugly and a really unhappy client. I am anxious because this needs to be completed ASAP...and shipped across the country in time for Yom Kippur... I am feeling some glimmerings of hope that I can get this done in time.


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