
Now that I have finished  the twins tallitot, as attested by this finished corner piece, it is now time to get back to Yoni’s tallit.


Yoni’s tallit is a little complicated. It is expressing several ideas from his haftarah.


There are striped representing rocks. I already completed those.



Now I needed to make two leafy stripes. First I dampened the silk. Then I began laying down layers of color.  I let this first pass of color dry over night.SAM_3807

I ironed the painted leaves to set the color and then set down more color.


It’s getting there, but clearly it isn’t quite enough.


Yoni wanted a dark forest green.  I needed to add more color.


I also realized that the strips would be vastly improved if I floated a layer of lighter color between the leaves.


I used the now colored water from this painting effort to paint the background. Every once in a while I would add a bit more paint to the water.


As I filled in the background with the light green I heard the voice of my mean Kindergarten teacher in my head. Miss Kendall was full of very strict advice as we drew or painted.


I remember her scolding me for using the water from my “dirty water” while I was water coloring.


While I do hear the voice of Miss Kendall scolding me in my head. I also know that every bit of art advice she gave me was wrong. So while I hear her voice, I no longer listen to her.

