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Showing posts from February, 2025

Five topics, one post

 This will be a post with a few different topics. Just preparing those who don't live inside my brain and might find it disturbing. Topic 1 A few photos that may be categorized under nature, or what passes for nature in Manhattan. It snowed a couple of times this week. This week is also the 47th anniversary of the Great Blizzard of '78.  This, my friends is barely a snow. Actually this is two different not quite snowfalls. Not enough for sledding or snow forts and even putting together a snowball is a whole lot of effort. Nevertheless a snow, even a piddly one gives me joy. We have had some bone chilling days and some lovely days this week. It took me until recently to understand that you can see the buds, or what will be buds once the weather warms up, starting to appear even during the darkest days of winter. Nice to have that teeny bit of hope midwinter. I loved this bit of moody twilight from my window This could be a book jacket on a  book of sad poetry. I loved the ...