Yesterday, we had planned to be in brooklyn for a big family candle lighting and celebration. Unfortunately, the fact that my husband and I were both under the weather meant that we couldn't go. However with the magic of the internet we did candle lighting together via Zoom. Despite being family, some of the customs of candle lighting differ slightly. The actual candle lighting is traditionally followed by this text which is a little historical and legal round up about the act of lighting Chanukah candles. ×Ö·× Ö¼Öµ×Ø×Ö¹×Ŗ ×Ö·×Ö¼Öø××Ö¼ ש×Ö¶×Öø× ×Ö¼ ×Ö·×Ö°×Ö“×ק֓××, ×¢Ö·× ×Ö·× Ö¼Ö“×”Ö¼Ö“×× ×Ö°×¢Ö·× ×Ö·× Ö¼Ö“×¤Ö°×Öø××Ö¹×Ŗ ×Ö°×¢Ö·× ×Ö·×Ŗְּש××Ö¼×¢×Ö¹×Ŗ ×Ö°×¢Ö·× ×Ö·×Ö¼Ö“×Ö°×Öø××Ö¹×Ŗ, ש×ֶעÖøש×Ö“××ŖÖø ×Ö·×Ö²××Ö¹×ŖÖµ×× ×Ö¼ ×Ö¼Ö·×Ö¼Öø×Ö“×× ×Öø×Öµ× ×Ö¼Ö·×Ö¼Ö°×Ö·× ×Ö·×Ö¼Ö¶×, ×¢Ö·× ×Ö°×Öµ× ×Ö¼Ö¹×Ö²× Ö¶××Öø ×ַקְּ××ֹש×Ö“××. ×Ö°×Öø× ×©×Ö°××Ö¹× Ö·×Ŗ ×Ö°×Öµ× ×Ö·×Ö²× Ö»×Ö¼Öø× ×Ö·× Ö¼Öµ×Ø×Ö¹×Ŗ ×Ö·×Ö¼Öø××Ö¼ קֹ×Ö¶×©× ×Öµ× ×Ö°×Öµ×× ×Öø× ×Ö¼ ×Øְש××Ö¼×Ŗ ×Ö°×֓ש×Ö°×ŖÖ¼Ö·×Ö¼Öµ×©× ×Ö¼Öø×Ö¶×, ×Ö¶×Ö¼Öø× ×Ö“×ØÖ°××Ö¹×ŖÖø× ×Ö¼Ö“×Ö°×Öø×, ×Ö¼Ö°×Öµ× ×Ö°××Ö¹××Ö¹×Ŗ ×Ö¼×Ö°×Ö·×Ö¼Öµ× ×ְש×Ö“×Ö°×Öø ×Ö·×Ö¼Öø××Ö¹× ×¢Ö·× × Ö“×”Ö¼Ö¶××Öø ×Ö°×¢Ö·× × Ö“×¤Ö°×Ö°××Ö¹×ŖÖ¶××Öø ×Ö°×¢Ö·× ×ְש××Ö¼×¢Öø×ŖÖ¶×Öø. We kindle these lights on accou...
A blog, mostly about my work making Jewish ritual objects, but with detours into garment making, living in New York City, cooking, and other aspects of domestic life. A note about comments: I love comments from readers, from spammers, not so much. I approve comments before posting them so comments are not cluttered with junk. It may take a few hours before your posts appear. Be patient. If you are a real person with a real comment it will be posted.