Yesterday I went to Costco.I caved. I bought both the Shmurah matza and the regular matza. I think it's crazy to be setting out Passover food before Purim. I was afraid that the Shmurah matza would all be gone when I was emotionally ready to buy it in a couple of weeks so I caved. I am sorry for striking terror into your hearts with this purchase. Today was a challah baking day. As always, one of the first tasks in challah baking is grinding up the spices that will go into my challah. Since you asked, this is a mic of coriander, cardamon,allspice and nutmeg. I also added some powdered ginger, powdered cinnamona few gratings of nutmeg and lots of vanilla to the dough. My husband grew up on the take out chicken from Mauzone, a kosher butcher a few miles from his home. In his house it was known as Mauzone chicken. My mother in law really hated to cook. She liked to feed people. There was lots of Mauzone chicken served at my mother in law's table. A mi...
A blog, mostly about my work making Jewish ritual objects, but with detours into garment making, living in New York City, cooking, and other aspects of domestic life. A note about comments: I love comments from readers, from spammers, not so much. I approve comments before posting them so comments are not cluttered with junk. It may take a few hours before your posts appear. Be patient. If you are a real person with a real comment it will be posted.