Our home has been filled with guests this Chanukah week. This has meant lots of additional cooking and baking and laundry. Amazon.com Widgets I made chicken using this new to me spice mixture. I haven't tasted it yet, but the apartment smelled heavenly all morning. I can't wait to try the chicken tonight. I also roasted some tomatoes and mushrooms to add to our salad. Tonight's dessert may have been the too far part. I did the usual faking of a dessert. I was planning on making an apricot/cranberry tart, that is a layer of cookie type crust covered with a layer of gooey apricot/cranberry. The bottom layer was much looser and airier than I had anticipated and couldn't support the fruit layer. As a desperate measure I marbled the two layers. I know it's ugly. It looks like a baked crime scene. I am thinking that perhaps a drizzle of chocolate, or many drizzles of chocolate may serve to improve the looks of this pudding like thing that is no...
A blog, mostly about my work making Jewish ritual objects, but with detours into garment making, living in New York City, cooking, and other aspects of domestic life. A note about comments: I love comments from readers, from spammers, not so much. I approve comments before posting them so comments are not cluttered with junk. It may take a few hours before your posts appear. Be patient. If you are a real person with a real comment it will be posted.