We went for a walk in Riverside Park yesterday and there were snowdrops!.
I made a tzibbile pletzel, anm onion and poppy board with a rye and corn meal enhanced dough. I used dehydrated onions. The verdict from my bread loving husband was that it was delicious.
As we head towards passover it is time to clean out the pantry. The potato based panko was purchased for last Passover. There is now one less box cluttering up the pantry. I spiced the panko with Bell's Seasoning and baked on an oily tray. The beautiful ceramic fish dish came from our friend Yocheved.
We also had a big bowl of spinach and corn.
I finally began to tackle the pine trees for the Nova Scotia tallit.
I bought a selection of green sewing threads and I think that layering the colors is working.
There will be some additional colors added to this strip of forest.
And now, a few random topics....
This one handed grogger was included in a Purim basket sent to us...and it leads me to ask about the sound of a one handed grogger in the forest.
my sewing pals often will mention their "tuit" list that is projects that you will eventually get to it. On that list was an early 1960's boxy cashmere pullover sweater with a wide mock turtleneck that my sister's mother in law gave me to play with about twenty years ago.
And lastly, some neighborhood shadows, taken on a sunny day last week.
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