I haven't been posting because I have been sick.
Here I am staying warm.
I am still not sure if this is food poisoning or some sort of s stomach bug. The only remotely good thing about this is that I have lost some weight. It would have been nicer to achieve the same result by going to a luxurious spa. Last night I stupidly chose to eat an exciting supper---some chicken soup with big chunks of vegetables. It's back to plain rice and white potatoes for me...what could I have been thinking?
Anyway, I couldn't have Miles and his family come by on Sunday as planned to tie the tzitzit so i tied them on my own.
I also made Miles a tallit bag.
I used this heavy upholstery weight striped denim in my stash. It wears like iron. I had made myself a skirt out of some of it a few years ago and know that this will wear like iron. Ihe decorative panel is made out more the woven ribbon panel that I had made for the
pinot/corner pieces. I edged it in more of the gold and blue striped ribbon and added a few rows of machine embroidery for good measure. The zipper is edged with more of the striped metallic ribbon.
I lined the bag in African printed cotton.
I am going to indulge myself here and add a few other shots of the tallit.
I love the free motion embroidery on the atara.
Hand couching the gold cording for the lettering was actually easier than I had anticipated. I finally realized that you don't need to cut the cording between the letters and can just float the cord on the underside between the letters. doing that cuts down of bumpy knots and joins. had i seen this in a book fifty years ago? or had it just taken me fifty years to figure this out?
Later today Miles' father will be picking up the tallit and it will no longer delight me each time I pass it in my dining room.
A friend had hand surgery and can't wear a standard coat. I suggested that she needed a warm cape to wear. After a short discussion about turning an old blanket into winter wear for someone with limited had usage...I remembered that I HAD a fabulous wool cape in my closet. It had belonged to my friend Alix's elegant mother.
The cape looks rather like
and is almost too long for me to wear. My friend is seven inches shorter than I am.
I used a twelve inch ruler as my hemming gauge and safety pinned the new hem into place. this needed to be functional rather than perfect so I aimed for good enough rather than perfect sewing.
I hope that this keeps my friend warm.
The following is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time.
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