I am slowly moving out of the land of sick. it has been a long slog. my husband has been wandering on and out of feeling poorly . We had planned on doing a delayed chanukah celebration with our kids Saturday night but our daughter has the flu...so this may take a while.
I would have taken more photos but it was just too cold to stop to take pictures. So this lovely 1898 building will have to suffice. In 1900, this Budweiser beer garden was diagonally across the street from where I live.
We will be having a mushroom bisque and a big kale salad. Our guests are bringing a rice salad.
Dessert is a cake I had made earlier in the fall, a simple apple spice cake that I am dressing up with a chestnut and chocolate pudding.
And I end this post with a sweet song about the beginning of Shabbat. I hope to be able to begin posting more regularly again
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