Starting to create light

 I have begun work on my next tallit. The big theme for this tallit is

light, specifically, Divine light. 

My client, Sarah, and I selected a batch of light related texts. I will be adding those texts to strips of  raw silk that will form the stripes on the tallit.

 I have begun painting

and block printing on the raw silk.  I am using raw silk in a variety of different textures. Each one catches the light in a different way.When I have completed this step I will add the texts.


I have also begun embroidering the ribbons that will edge the tallit stripes.

The embellished ribbons are resting on the fabric that will be used to make up the body of the tallit. I have been gathering up all of my various gold ribbons, metallic threads and metallic and iridescent paints and dyes to use on this tallit. 

You can just start feeling autumn creeping up on us.

It is now the month of Elul. I began my Shofar blowing practicing. I was asked to write an essay about  blowing shofar for my synagogue.

You can read it here if you want to. The photo at the top of the essay was taken by my husband during our short stay in Dubai after being evacuated from Ashkelon at the start of the war. My son and I are both smiling but we are both a bit shell-shocked.
