Food Friday



One of the nice things about being a grown up is that you get to cook and eat the food you like. This potato salad is a case in point.



It’s hot and muggy out. It’s the sort of weather that makes me feel like I walked into a steamy bathroom after someone took a long shower.

My son made the meat for tonight. It is my job to  make the rest of the meal. I decided that given the weather a potato salad would be just the thing.  I thought that the sharp bright taste of lemon would be a nice contrast to the bland potato. I like lemon and black pepper together. I like a potato salad to have the crunch of celery. Our fridge is on it’s very last legs. We are now unable to use the bottom 1/3 of the fridge. I want to store the potato salad on the kitchen counter until dinner.


There is also a pot luck lunch at my synagogue tomorrow. I was charged with a main dish. I had purchased one of those food services sized cans of tuna at Costco.



I just wanted you to have a sense of the scale of the can.


And no, I do things other than cook.

