Making waves and a bit more on the weather

Rachel's waves
I’m now working on the ocean portion of Rachel’s tallit. I layers three colors of Shantung, a turquoise a blue/grey and a dark green.T stitched waves and then began cutting away layers of the silk. while I was working, I found a length of silk charmeuse that I had dyed in blue/greens. I’m adding some waves in the charmeuse. Once the piece looks oceany enough, I will then satin stitch and cover all of the raw edges. I suppose that there other other ways to build an ocean out of fabric, but this is my favorite method.

crossing Broadway
Walking on the south bound lane of Broadway after the storm
And now for the continuing weather report.  You can see that at 9:00 this morning, that Broadway was still unpopulated by cars, you can see the lone walker walking south.  The cross streets were still unplowed. A little later on in the day I saw parents pulling their little one on a sled, going west. During the night I saw the Chinese restaurant delivery men weaving their way up and down Broadway on their bicycles.They were not having fun.


  1. well at least you've got shops within walking distance. We finally got plowed out this morning and can get out of our driveway, which is really long!

  2. Ispent years and years shoveling snow. I am hugely grateful that I no longer have to shovel. I love that everything I could possibly need in a snowstorm is rightdownstairs.

    City life does have it's difficulties, but weach snowstorn I am so glad that I am here.


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