The end result of an adventure in graphics

Noah's invitation, closed. the text comes from God's promise to never again destroy the earth after the flood.
The text is written in the form of a stylized olive leaf.
 When I work in fabric I control the entire process. Doing graphics, I work in collaboration with the printer. I was lucky that Diane, Noah's mom chose to work with such an excellent printer. Marissa, from Quad Rite has a great eye and worked to make my part of the invitation just look better.

Marissa suggested the  muted olive green ink. Diane who loves muted colors found a sage green envelope.

Other times when I have done invitations, my work has been begun by hand, but then I manipulate the art work on the computer. This time, I worked the old fashioned way, completely by hand. Each draft was begun anew with pencil and rolling ruler. It was actually pleasant working this way. Marissa shrunk my work down by about 20% . Both Diane and I were grateful to Marissa's experience which made both of our lives much easier. The paper is a yummy textured ivory paper. It just feels good in the hand.

I like to have invitations feel a little cinematic, to have the story of the invitation transform as you open it up. I also try hard to have an invitation work both for Hebrew readers and for those who can't read Hebrew, all while trying not to be too obnoxiously pedagogical.
When you open the gate-folds of the invitation, Noah's full name in Hebrew and English fills the center of the leaf.
God's covenant with Noah forms the top line of the leaf. The bottom line of the leaf is made up with a Rabbinic description of  the Biblical Isaac.

The invitation text is on the inside of the two  gate flaps.

The back of the invitation text is the translation of the Hebrew texts used inside the invitation.

Noah's thank you  card makes use of the same leaf motif
