Sometimes when people compliment my work they will tell me that I am so talented. That compliment always kind of annoys me. If you had seen my drawings from childhood or my early craft attempts in elementary school you might have kindly pulled me aside and suggested that I might do better to spend my time and energies on something else. I have seen children pick up a crochet hook and very quickly learn how to crochet something. ( I am the mother of such a child) I was not that child. It took me ten years to figure out how to crochet. It took me ten years to figure out how to knit even though I had a patient sister and patient friends who sat down with me and tried to show me in many different ways how to hold my hands and how to hold the yarn. What I have learned after decades of trying and failing, is that for me to learn I need to first do a task every which way of wrong before my brain slowly starts to sort out the engineering of the task at hand. The other thing I have c...
A blog, mostly about my work making Jewish ritual objects, but with detours into garment making, living in New York City, cooking, and other aspects of domestic life. A note about comments: I love comments from readers, from spammers, not so much. I approve comments before posting them so comments are not cluttered with junk. It may take a few hours before your posts appear. Be patient. If you are a real person with a real comment it will be posted.