I have been working away on the tallit. And I think it is looking pretty excellent. I made the pinot. Here they are both before and after tidied up and backed. I loved how pretty the bronze metallic thread looked against the blue. The pinot gave me an idea about how to proceed on the atara. First I did the same metallic stitching on a strip of the same blue silk. I backed the silk with a bit of plaid flannel to stabelize it ad to give it a bit more body. I then calligraphed the text using a wide brush and black ink onto plain paper. I turned the paper over and outline the letters with a black marker. I decided to work big to make stitching the letters a bit easier. Then I traced the backward letters onto iron-on interfacing. Then I stitched the letters following my backward outlines. I was feeling really pleased with myself. The work was progressing well. But then I put the half done atara onto the tallit. The scale was all...
A blog, mostly about my work making Jewish ritual objects, but with detours into garment making, living in New York City, cooking, and other aspects of domestic life. A note about comments: I love comments from readers, from spammers, not so much. I approve comments before posting them so comments are not cluttered with junk. It may take a few hours before your posts appear. Be patient. If you are a real person with a real comment it will be posted.