The end of the Omer

Shavuot is this coming week. Jews usually count the forty nine days between Passover and Shavuot. I say usually because our family custom is to count the first day of the Omer during the second Seder. Each year we say that THIS year we will count each of the forty nine days. Nearly every year we fail. Actually, one year several years ago I signed up for a silly email list called "Counting the Homer". Each day I would get a different Homer Simpson  drawing with a reminder of the day. THAT year with the help of Homer I counted the Omer. This was another year of failure.

This year though it felt like rather than counting the days between Passover and Shavuot I marked the weeks. I had cooked eight giant chickens for Passover. We only ate two during the holiday because of the mountain of brisket that I had also cooked for the holiday. So each Shabbat I have pulled out yet another of the chickens. Last Shabbat we ate the last one.

Today I cooked two more.

What did I flavor the chicken with?


in addition to what is pictured there is black pepper and either cloves or allspice. I'm not 100% sure which i added to the mixture.

I also baked challah.

These challot are four stranded loaves. I needed to work quickly this week

The rest of the meal has been provided by my sister, her wonderful lemon squares, some couscous, and a watermelon salad. I still need to make a green salad.

Shabbat Shalom and a harvest of Shavuot songs in anticipation of the holiday..
