
Forgive the poor picture quality, but my camera is having trouble taking pcitures of the tallit. Black AND shine seem to totaly confuse the camera. But apologies aside, here is Sara Xing's tallit.

It looks incredible in real life. The 40- momme black silk was far easier to sew than I had anticipated. I was terrified that I would make a terrible mess of it.

The neckband, as per Sara Xing's wishes ismade up of strips of the fabrics used in the tallit in rainbow order. Have I mentioned what a totally smart kid Sara Xing is??? The text Sara Xing wanted on her atatra/neckband is "Mi Ani?" "Who Am I?", Moses's initial response to the divine call. So apt for any kid on the cusp of Bat Mitzvah, even more so for Sara Xing.

I do still need to do the eyelets for the tzitzit/ ritual fringes.
I added beading details at the atara corners just to have a bit of sparkle from the front.
Tomorroe evening Sara Xing comes to tie her tzitzit and pick up her tallit. I hope she will be happy.

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